I want to replenish my wardrobe, but what they sell in the store doesn’t like it or doesn’t fit me. I would like to save money, but not on the quality of clothes, but everything around is so expensive or ugly. If these thoughts have ever crossed your mind, try making your first order from one of the US online stores. Location: Location: It is very convenient to choose suitable things while sitting at home with a cup of tea. This saves time, effort and money.
The most popular online stores today are America. It is convenient to shop there; they sell things of high quality and at very low prices, even taking into account payment for delivery. Moreover, modern online shopping makes it much easier to find clothes that suit you by filtering by color, size, and even clothing style. And all, you just need a bank card with the ability to make payments via PayPal, a tape measure to accurately determine the appropriate sizes and a little time to surf the pages of online stores.
Payment method
Before you start shopping online, contact your bank to issue a credit or debit card. Please consult with employees about which tariff will be most advantageous for working with online stores. Be sure to draw the bank employees’ attention to the fact that you need a card to make online payments, as not all card types support this feature.
This method can help you to shop in Amazon :
The next step is to create an account in the international payment system PayPal. All you need to do is an email and payment details for your new bank card. During registration, the system will ask for the possibility of withdrawing an amount of $1.95 from the card, so make sure that the required amount is on the card at the time of registration. After entering the payment password, which can be seen in the SMS message about the withdrawal of cash from the card or in the online banking statement, the amount of money withdrawn will be returned to you. This action is necessary to confirm that the card is in the hands of the rightful owner.
What are the delivery method
Generally, major online retailers support delivery anywhere in the world. Check delivery methods and costs. After that, add the product to the shopping cart, carefully fill in the delivery address of the package, and in a few days or weeks you will have the clothes from the American online store in your hands! Feel the advantages of shopping at the foreigner and you will never again be affected by the eternal problem of women called nothing to wear.