Cultural exchanges of practices and experiences in all fields have made their way in foreign affairs, commerce, education and psychology. There is talk in the media about the integration of refugees, in the sciences of education the successful adaptation of immigrants and their children, in acculturation psychology. If sociology describes exchanges between cultures, in the sciences of management and management we insist on intercultural management to better manage teams multicultural, negotiation, expatriation. Coupland et al. point out that the globalization, an already existing phenomenon that is increasing at an exponential rate, implies a greater degree of interdependence, as we become more dependent on each other and influence each other.


This part presents the conceptual framework of our research, in particular it explains the contexts socio-cultural and theoretical factors that gave rise to our research. This part consists of three chapters and sections. First of all, let us specify that our work aims to reflect on a possibility assess intercultural competence and, therefore, falls within the field of management sciences and management. In the first chapter, we discuss societal trends that concern three elements: the society and its changes in cultural presentations, organization and its approach in the search for human capital and the individual with new demands and motivations. We present also the history of intercultural research in management sciences and management and the role of the intercultural approach in international work.

This video explain it:

This chapter allows us to review the concept of interculturality which becomes an inevitable space for everyone and explain the necessary return to this subject in management and management sciences. In the second chapter we will explain the choice of the term “intercultural competence. We also present the layers of intercultural competence which will help to build a model explicit: categories individual level, mechanisms components and dimensions. look at the life cycle of a skill and adapt it according to the layers of CI. We will also talk about the development of the dynamism of the notion of culture. Every culture requires inclusion and social cohesion to the people who bathe inside it; these processes allow the intercultural competence to be practiced.

Cross-cultural research context

To introduce our topic, this chapter focuses on societal trends that affect the place of Culture. The latter has produced, with the help of globalization, monocultural, bicultural spaces, transcultural, multicultural and intercultural to live and work there. To This end we present the story intercultural management which is based on diversity management practices, team enhancement multiculturalism and the search for the skills necessary for interculturality. We show that the approaches in intercultural management have been evolved under the new angle of the vision of culture and cultural differences .

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