Well-being at work. The subject is on everyone’s lips in the world of human resources and management. Newspaper articles are multiplying about the growing care that companies give to the happiness of their employees. A concern that aims to better retain employees, to make them more efficient, more motivated. It was therefore time to take stock of happiness at work, and what makes the workforce flourish in their open space.
Skills management, the secret of happiness at work?
Why? First reason: half of the French surveyed consider that their company does nothing to help them feel good. They don’t have a policy in place to do that. And then they feel they lack attention and consideration from their hierarchy. They also consider that their boss does not care about their skills and training. And finally, they are not confident about their future within the company.
This video can explain it more:
What makes the French unhappy -or happy- in the office does not necessarily matter for employees of other origins. The study notes that the components of well-being at work vary across countries. But overall, the main reason given by those who are asked what makes them happy is that their company makes sure to develop their skills. It gives them opportunities to train, to embark on new challenges, to acquire new skills. In fact, they value the opportunities for internal evolution that these practices open to them.
The company has an interest in treating its seniors better
The second important criterion is end-of-career management. The better the company treats its seniors, the happier the employees are. And precisely, according to the French interviewed, France is fishing heavily on these issues of skills management and how to deal with seniors.
According to the study, Indians are the happiest at work nearly 9 out of 10, the unhappy Japanese only 4 out of 10 say they are satisfied. Mexico, the United States, Chile and Brazil are also at the top of the ranking. High-growth economies, much better positioned than mature economies like European countries. This is easily explained: wages change quickly, and are not terrorized by the idea of losing their job.
The first result of the consultation of nearly 15,000 workers in 15 countries around the world: employees worldwide are mostly happy at work, at 70%. But the French are below average, among the lowest in the ranking: only 67% of them say they feel good at the office.